Friday, January 25, 2008

Yeah I picked out this picture not for its relevance to astronomy but because it's really pretty and I want to go there. Let's take a field trip. This picture is of the Pic Du Midi observatory in the French Pyrenees. When you click the link that says Pic du Midi, it takes you to this really cool site where you can basically look around a semi tour thing that shows what the observatory looks like. It's actually pretty kickass, but kinda foggy and hard to see past the observatory deck and everything has like a foot of snow on it. The redish lights are manufactured lights from the La Montigie ski resort and from the urban parts of France and Spain. In the sky you can see Orion, Gemini, and a bright Mars (up at the top, not actually the normal orange color). The domes house amateur telescopes, a telescope used to help with the Apollo lunar landings, and the new sun watching CLIMSO (Christian Latouche IMageur SOlaire). The link they give you to CLIMSO is in French sooo yeah. Don't know much more than that.

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