Friday, April 18, 2008

APOD 4.2

This is a less than traditional picture of Orion. You can see the three stars of Orion's Belt in the upper lefthand corner of the picture (They look blue in this particular photo). If you look to the left of the leftmost star (Altinak)you'll see the Flame Nebula (which looks much cooler in the other picture they have of the Flame Nebula, when you click the link). If you look hard directly below Altinak, you'll see the Horse Head Nebula. If you look reeeallly hard. I personally am not sure that I see it. M42 is also in this picture, to the right and down of the Horsehead. Personally I think it's the least exciting of the nebulae in Orion, but hey that's just me. The really bright star along the bottom of the picture and towards the right side is Rigel. Right near Rigel is the Witch Head Nebula. I have no idea how it got that name because even when you click the link to get the close up it doesn't look like a Witch's Head. However! It does look really cool, kind of wispy and kickbutt. The entire red swirly surrounding the picture is Barnard's Loop. Yaaay Barnard.

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