Wednesday, February 6, 2008

APOD 3.5

I found this APOD interesting because we were just talking about this in the last chapter. A new 11 year cycle is beginning on the sun, so this is one of the first sunspots of this cycle apparently. The two dark lines are cooler filaments held up by the sun's magnetic field. We're just not getting out of solar minimum (in 2007), with the last solar maximum being in 2001. This picture of the sun is the same as we've been looking about - darker regions are cooler regions. This picture was taken based on hydrogen. I would say more, but this is all just basically EXACTLY what we studied last chapter. Cool beans. And! I guess there's an annular solar eclipse tomorrow! Which Percy didn't tell us about. All though, since it's basically 'only for penguins' I guess it doesn't really matter much for us :( Well, at least the penguins get to enjoy it. I wonder if they act differently when the sun is freaking out...

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